Paypal button issues

Hello everyone.

A few people have been experiencing problems making payments using the PayPal button on the homepage of our website. We are working with Paypal to fix the problem. It hasn’t affected everyone, but several people are getting error messages when they attempt to pay. In the meantime, you can go to and search “Knollwood Homeowners Association”. Two selections will appear, “Knollwood Homeowners Association” and “Knollwood West Homeowners Association”. Please select “Knollwood Homeowners Association” DO NOT select “Knollwood West”. Please enter the $100.00 amount, as well as your name and address so we can properly document your payment for our records. You can always still write a check and mail it in. If the PayPal button is working and you do not receive an error message, you can make your payment that way and it will process appropriately. We apologize for the inconvenience.